Take responsibility for the Indoor Air Quality in your workplace today!

Today, we have someone responsible for nearly every facet of operating an organisation. But who is actually responsible for the Indoor Air Quality at your organisation? 

Sign up to our online training programme and in less than 40 minutes we will give you basic knowledge on how to improve Indoor Air Quality. And you will be on your way to becoming the Chief Airgonomics Officer at your workplace! Register to our Academy here

What is a Chief Airgonomics Officer?

The Chief Airgonomics Officer will be the Voice of Clean Air in your organisation – someone who takes responsibility for indoor air quality to protect your health, environment and wellbeing.

Inhale. Exhale.


We believe that real change can only happen through a collaborative effort. Join the clean air movement and our network today!



Find out how you can start the conversation about clean air. Be part of the movement to improve your indoor air quality, start your journey today!



Do you know why clean indoor air is so important? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.
Get ready to learn more!


What do you know about indoor air? Take our quiz to find out!

According to the WHO, what percentage of the world breathes air that exceeds the recommended thresholds set forth by the WHO

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Sign up for the Chief Airgonomics to keep informed on the CAO movement and other Indoor Air Quality news.